The Blue Church, named after its beautiful ceiling painted, is part of the San Luigi di Roncovero Institute. The San Luigi di Roncovero Institute was founded by Antonio Ghirardelli, born in 1866 and Knight of the Crown of Italy. Together with Cav. Luigi, he allocated their patrimony to the creation of a small seminary.
Construction work began in the early 1930s. The structure functioned for several decades as a Minor Seminary, then it was joined by the Junior High School with boarding school, which, again under the aegis of the Jesuit Fathers, welcomed boys from various localities. In 1984, the Jesuits left due to the vocation crisis. The structure passed to the Diocese of Piacenza, which in 1986 rented it to the State Police school for about ten years. In 1997, the complex took in about eighty Albanian refugees fleeing their country.
After more than three decades of abandonment, a functional recovery is on the horizon as a hotel home and RSA for the elderly.