Exploration #14 CCCP pilot school (testo italiano a fondo pagina). This place, known as CCCP Pilot School, was a flight school originally established in 1933 to educate and train engineers and mechanics for military aircraft.
The Luftwaffe took over the site before the second world war and in October 1933 there were already 1,500 students. Only one year later this was the biggest military training area of the Reich – though nobody knew about it officially. The Nazis added many buildings to the complex and the school was developed into a fully functioning military airfield to aid in developing the countries flight skills in preperation for the war. Next to nearby barracks, a military training area, and an airbase this was part of a new and massive military compound. The ensemble with a parade ground in the middle of it gets dominated by the semi-circular main building.
In 1945 the Red Army took over the site as part of its occupation within East-Germany and several units of the Soviet Air Force were based here. They even extended the runway and added an anti aircraft missile site nearby. The airfield was handed back to Germany in 1992 and it seems to have laid dormant since.
Questo luogo era una scuola di volo originariamente fondata per educare e formare ingegneri e meccanici per gli aerei militari. La Luftwaffe prese possesso del sito durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Fu trasformato in un campo d’aviazione militare pienamente funzionante per aiutare a sviluppare le capacità di volo del Paese in vista della guerra. Nel 1945 l’Armata Rossa prese possesso del sito come parte dell’occupazione della Germania dell’Est e diverse unità dell’aeronautica sovietica furono basate qui. L’esercito sovietico ampliò addirittura la pista e aggiunse un sito missilistico antiaereo nelle vicinanze. Il campo d’aviazione fu restituito alla Germania nel 1992 e da allora sembra essere rimasto inattivo.