Exploration #75 Salle des compresseurs. These big machines were the compressors in service to an old mine in the Charleroi region, Belgium. The building, named “salle compresseurs” was part of the Le Puits Parent or No.18, owned by the Monceau-Fontaine Company.

This pit was more than 1000 m depth. Each extraction pit must have these kind of machines which supply compressed air to miners and machines underground. Everything in the mine underground depends on these machines so they had to be reliable and redundant. The mine closed in 1968 and the buildings were demolished in 1991. For some reason only the salle des compresseurs has survived and it now overlooks the huge empty site.

This former industrial complex is close to other abandoned industrial sites in Charleroi: the coke plant of Marchienne, the boiler house of blue power plant, the HF4 blast furnace coal injection plant.